Web to Print and its Benefits for Businesses
Print management via the traditional methods can be complicated and over-priced. Customers may need multiple servers to manage print job device monitoring, accounting, authentication, and submission. They need to pay a hefty amount to obtain, upgrade, and maintain print servers, which often lack a proper management system. In addition the finishing options that such printing solutions are limited, while mailing may still involve much manual processing.
Web to Print Services
Web to print services and platforms are emerging as they help businesses to improve efficiency, lowering the burden and minimising the cost of operating print infrastructure. W2P is eliminating the need for local print servers and bringing all print management tasks to the web.
Benefits of W2P for SME Print Businesses
Brand Consistency
Customers can set and control modifications and improvements to their branding rules. This way, they have control over their visual brand achieving the necessary consistency. Changes are easily manageable.Customised Content
End users can customise templates producing new documents easily. By superimposing their data on templates they can creates hundreds or even thousands of documents to be printed and shipped to recipients without manual intervension.Support for a Virtual Computing Environment
As mobility in the workforce is increasing, remote computing is spreading far and wide. Still printing documents can not be easily supported as a physical printer device is still necessary. Instead users can print their documents and have them delivered at their preferred location. End users can conveniently access web to print services anytime, anywhere, and with any device.Reducing the Cost
Managers can achieve a clear understanding of costs and print usage using managed web to print solutions. Printing costs can be a significant cost for all businesses, without them even realising it! By moving to web to print services, managers can avoid capital expenditure, lowering the cost of operation associated with traditional print management platforms. They not only reduce your financial costs by utilising these services but also by reducing the energy costs of print servers that are under-utilised. With W2P you only pay for what you print!
Enhanced Analytics
Businesses can analyse the use of printing through web to print services using the built-in reports. Mangers can get details statistics about the types of documents printed, the usage by department etc. In turn they can inform their decisions and make the necessary adjustments to operations. Optimising printing output can lower the environmental impact of your operations, resulting in lower waste.Reducing the Burden on IT Teams
IT teams can focus on strategic activities, and not have to worry about operational needs related to printing. Using a web2print platform, business can offer quality printing services to end-users without having to employ IT professionals to look after physical printers.Get in touch with us to find how we can help you deploy your web-to-print solution.